Retirement Calculator
Calculate how much you need to save in order to retire comfortably
Enter Your Details
You'll have $946,955 when you retire (65 years old).
You'll have $63 at the end of your life (95 years old).
Current Retirement Plan
If you would like to retire at 65 years old and withdraw $3,500 monthly until you are 95 years old, you will contribute $ 1,200 monthly until you retire, and you will have $ 63 at the end of your life.
Refine your results
Use the sliders to see how your retirement plan changes with different inputs
Monthly Contribution
$ 0
$ 6,667
Monthly Budget In Retirement
$ 0
$ 13,333
Retirement Age
Pre-Retirement Rate Of Return
Understanding how our Retirement Calculator works
This calculator was made to help you understand how your savings rate, contributions, retirement spending, and other variables impact your retirement plan. Enter your information to see how the calculation changes. As you change the values, the results will automatically update. Here's a brief description of all the variables at play:
- Current age: This is your current age. We will calculate how much you need to save from this age until you retire.
- Annual Pre-tax Income: We use this value to give you insights on how much money is recommended you save for retirement each month.
- Current Retirement Savings: This is how much money you currently have saved towards retirement.
- Monthly Contribution: This is how much you plan to save every month for retirement.
- Monthly Budget In Retirement: This is how much you plan to spend each month once you retire.
- Retirement Age: This is the age you plan to retire.
- Life Expectancy: This is the age you expect to live until.
- Pre-Retirement Rate of Return: This is the annual interest you can get on your savings up until retirement.
- Pre-Retirement Rate of Return: This is the annual interest you can get on your savings after you retire.
- Inflation Rate: This is the annual inflation rate where you live.
- Annual Income Increase: This is how much you expect your income to grow each year. We use this to suggest your ideal retirement savings plan.

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